Vaš partner za dvig produktivnosti
Industrije, ki jih pokrivamo
Globalni partner za abrazive, Osredotočen na skupni uspeh
Že več kot stoletje je Weiler Abrasives katalizator inovacij, ki poganja industrije naprej s sodobnimi abrazivnimi rešitvami. Naša zavezanost odličnosti in zadovoljstvu strank nas loči od drugih. Nismo zgolj podjetje za abrazive; smo strateški partner, ki vam pomaga dosegati cilje.
A Global Abrasives Partner Focused on Mutual Success
At Weiler Abrasives, our experience dates back to 1898 when Joseph E. Weiler began manufacturing brushes for the jewelry industry in Pforzheim, Germany. Since then, we’ve grown and evolved into a global manufacturer serving customers in over 80 countries with nearly 1,500 employees around the world.
“While the company has grown and expanded significantly since those humble beginnings, our commitment to developing long-term partnerships with customers, co-workers, and community hasn’t changed. We like to call that our 3C’s.” Chris Weiler, Executive Chairman.
Whether you are looking to improve your surface conditioning processes, optimize your consumable spend, or train your team on the safe and proper use of abrasives and brushes, Weiler has the people and expertise to help you achieve your goals.
Weiler: Your Competitive Edge
Product Innovations

Optimum Use Line
Patent pending Optimum Use Line provides a visual reference to help get the most out of the wheel. Using the wheel to its full life reduces change-overs, which helps users be more productive while reducing waste and abrasive spend.

Cut Back
PTiger Type 27 grinding wheels are designed with fiberglass cut back from the edge for aggressive grinding right out of the box.

Longer Life
Patent pending Optimum Use Line provides a visual reference to help get the most out of the wheel. Using the wheel to its full life reduces change-overs, which helps users be more productive while reducing waste and abrasive spend.

Optimum Use Line
Patent pending Optimum Use Line provides a visual reference to help get the most out of the wheel. Using the wheel to its full life reduces change-overs, which helps users be more productive while reducing waste and abrasive spend.

Our new metal grinding and cut off wheels are designed to be more than just a better product. They were created to help you do your best work.

Our new foundry line delivers a superior combination of life and cut-rate for maximum productivity.

These flap discs offer a paired flap design that delivers high performance grinding on aluminum.
Oblikujte prihodnost proizvodnje
V podjetju Weiler verjamemo v spodbujanje kulture inovacij, sodelovanja in spoštovanja. Naši zaposleni razmišljajo kreativno, izzivajo status quo in neprestano iščejo nove rešitve
Karierne priložnostiNaši programi
Ne zapravljajte več časa in denarja za abrazive
Pomagamo vam dvigniti produktivnost vaših operacij z iskanjem izboljšav in zmanjšanjem skupnih stroškov na del.